#kymopoleia greek goddess
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calliopescorner · 2 years ago
What are your plans for Kymopeliea?
Kymopoleia is very controlling of her children. She will give them “gifts” that actually allow her to tell where they are, and she uses her children as demonstrations of her power, allowing them to cause sea-wide conflict when she desires.
She usually has her children live with her in her underwater palace, and trains them herself. This allows her to also control what she tells them and what they learn. However, if any were to escape her grasp, they’d see a very different view of the world than the one she spouts.
She prefers her children to reflect the world that she lives in: the mythical. She gives them clothes from the styles of ancient Greece, and teaches them ancient Greek from when they’re born. If she wants to send them somewhere specifically to be an ambassador, only then will she teach them a different language.
If one of her children is able to escape her grasp, however, she will spend time with her council waging if it’s important enough to hunt them down, or to let them die. More powerful demigods she usually keeps to add to her council as they grow older.
Her rage can be extraordinarily frightening, and when she’s angry usually her servants escort themselves and the children away as she destroys things with fury.
Her cabin incorporates the stormy colors of her own underwater palace. There are dark pebbles pressed into the walls, and waves carved into the sides of the cabin. The cabin also has mirrors on it pointing to the sea, which can reflect the different weather patterns around it. They are blessed to never break, and some campers also use them to check their appearances.
Inside, there is a small fountain for Iris calls, and there are a few beds. The cabin is rather sparse, as she doesn’t send many of her children to Camp Empeiria. The cabin is largely kept neat to make sure Kymopoleia doesn’t see any mess (as she can check up on any of her children easily with an Iris call). There is also a small fish tank for different little sea creatures there, which gives the cabin a blue glow at night.
The cabin is always on high alert to expect a call from Kymopoleia. Thus, anyone in the cabin is expected to be on their best behavior at all times. This can lead to the demigods staying in the cabin to isolate themselves in their downtime.
However, if there’s a way to hide it, sometimes the campers stuff various items under their beds. Through being able to see the world outside of their mother, they are able to learn more about what most interests them. While this can have them come off as secretive to other campers, in reality, they may not know what it’s like to live like the other campers. However, this may not be a universal experience.
If any of the demigod children have a vastly different experience to the others, they tend to easily stand out. This can sometimes even put them into a higher position, as they may have important knowledge the others don’t have. However, this can also lead to a fair amount of arguments as they try to slowly wriggle out of their mother’s grasp, which can damage the cabin, especially since the water many of them can control is so close at hand.
Enhanced strength / size (for creating huge waves)
Manipulation of anger
Proficiency in swimming
Breathe underwater
Sensitivity to wave vibrations (allowing them to tell exactly where things are in water)
Reblog or @/ this blog if it inspires you to make your own child of Kymopoleia! Thank you @overanalyzer for the request!
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greyeisacreativecolor · 1 month ago
While Poseidon and Zeus get most of the credit for storms in Greek Mythology, the Daemon Kymopoleia and her husband Briarius are specifically granted dominion over storms
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chubbybunny25 · 3 months ago
Calm Before the Storm
Suddenly, Jason thinks of an idea. A seemingly dumb idea, but still.
If there’s one thing that he’s learned from all his time with Percy, it’s never to trust the gods. That to them, demigods are just mere playthings, always having no choice but to carry out the commands of higher beings—even as those mere playthings are their own children.
But also, his time in Camp Jupiter has taught him how gods crave respect, that behind their proud and demeaning and regal fronts hides the hunger for recognition. They want to be acknowledged. They live off of worship—even from such lowly, pathetic toys.
Isn’t that how Caligula and the other evil emperors have risen to godhood?
Hence, with his remaining ounce of strength, Jason summons a huge storm, but makes sure that it originates from the ocean more than it comes from his dad’s domain.
“Foolish boy!” Caligula taunts. “How do you expect your measly abilities to match my power? I am a god! And unlike me, your power drains your life force.”
“You’re right,” Jason agrees. “I am no god. But I can worship one!” With his whole being—his mortality, his almost-immortality, his Greekness, his Romanness, just him being Jason—he calls forth the one god who has given him yet another purpose, a god whom he made a promise to, a god whom he can’t let down by dying:
“Kymopoleia, the goddess of violent sea storms! I promised to build you a temple in what seems like a long time ago. I haven’t forgotten, my Lady.” It’s true that he has been working hard for the temple construction, but not as a suck-up. Not a pet of the gods, no, but as someone who recognizes authority where it’s due. “With all that I have and all that I am, I renew that promise and ask for your blessing, and acknowledge true power.”
For a moment, everything has gone still. The waves of the ocean become extremely serene. A sense of dread seems to fall upon the emperor’s army and even Caligula stops and steps back.
Jason recognizes it for what it is: the calm before the storm.
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marsprincess889 · 1 month ago
Hello, can I participate in your game?
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Of course, thank you for participating🤍
Your divine archetype:
🌧🌊🌋🔥 The pure wisdom of destruction, fierce compassion and the bringer of catharsys ⛈🌫🌩⚡
Your Goddesses:
Nisaba_ Sumerian goddess of knowledge, scribes and written word. She was first considered a grain goddess  and there are no accounts of her as a writing goddess, but as she bacame increasingly important among Mesopotamian people, there were more and more stories written about her. In "Dream of Gudea", she is pictured as "a woman holding a gold stylus and studying a clay tablet on which the starry heaven was depicted".
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Your moon nakshatra_ Ardra, is the first Rahu-ruled lunar mansion in the Mercurial sign of Gemini. Rahu relates strongly to the written word, the essence manifested in a form, or just forms with no essence. Essentially, Ardra can be viewed as the birth of logic, analysis, complex thoughts, complex feelings, complexity in general, rationality and all that can be debated. In short, it's the nakshatra of collective humanity and its views, and since it's the first nakshatra of such overwhelming information and neural activity, it's also the nakshatra of pain and the birth of sufferring, where the "trauma" is arguably at its peak.
There is obviously more to your chart, but to begin with your most important placement is important to me, as it sets the tone for the whole thing.
Your dominant element is Air, with all of your big three placements being in the three Air signs_ a huge emphasis on the element of communication, rationalization, thoughts and cerebral activity in general.
Seshat_ Egyption Goddess of knowledge, writing, the written word, often compared to Nisab. She is often depicted with horns and a star between them. It was ssid that Seshat knew how to measure the distance between stars, observe them and other celestial bodies.
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Associated with the labeling aspect of knowledge, Seshat can be strongly associated with Rahu. The air elememt, in general, has a lot to do with communication and exchange of information.
Even though Jupoter nakshatras do not have associations with these on the same level, they still relate to this element's themes.
Kymopoleia(or, Cymopoleia)_ Greek sea nymph, often considered a goddess, who was said to have the power to usher sea storms. Her name means "wave ranging", and her other name_ Cymatolege, means "wave-stirrer". She was married to Briareos_ hundred-handed storm giant.
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So, sea storms are quite literally probably  the most direct association Ardra nakshatra can have. This stirring and violent, tense energy is one of the defining aspects of this lunar mansion. The notable thing is that in your chart, your other big three nakshatras_ Vishakha and Purva Bhadrapada, also have this type of energy, especially the latter, because of its shared association with the god Rudra with Ardra.
All of these nakshatras tell a story of upheaval, of destruction and transformation towards something new, of righteous anger directed from the inner self to the goal of intense cleansing. They want to transmute their energy in a cathartic way, even if it looks "wrong" or rebellious to others, sometimes, especially if that is the case.
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A goddess from Armenia_ Tsovinar, is eerily similar to her, who rules over water, sea and rain. Her name means "daughter of the sea", and she was said to make "rain fall down from heaven with her fury".
I'm going to move on to other goddesses who relate to those in some ways, but you can read about Kymopoleia in my Ardra as a goddess post.
Astrape and Bronte_ Greek goddesses, personifications of lightning and thunder respectively. Their task is to carry the lightning bolts of Zeus with pegasus, also being his shield bearers.
Vishakha nakshatra is related to merging opposites, and with that exchange, creating something bigger than the sum of what they both are separately. This generates electricity, so, Vishakha at large can be considered a nakshatra of lightning and thunder. Ardra is also associated with the thunderous cries and the rainy storms.
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Sekhmet_ Egyptian goddess of war, fire, dance and medicine, often depicted as having a lion's head. She was said to have the ability to inflict disease on masses but also cure it. She could breath fire from her mouth, an ability that was likened to the desert wind.
Sekhmet was also considered as a Solar deity.
While your Rahu and Ketu are not technically in their exaltation nakshatras, they are still in their exaltation signs(Taurus and Scorpio), activating the axis of one of the Sun-Saturn nakshatra oppositions, that of Krittika and Anuradha. Rahu in a chart is said to represent what a person is meant to become. Krittika has thematic connections to Purva Bhadra_ it's the literal consuming fire that the excess of P. Bhadra is cleansed and reduced in, and it's also a Solar nakshatra.
Ketu in Anuradha though, amplifies the already relevant Saturnian influence, and adding to the occult associations(Sun in Saturnian Aquarius, Saturn Atmakaraka). Your Rahu is in the 8th house, meaning that you approach the matters of secrecy, sexuality, anything occult with carefulness and great precision, otherwise avoiding it alltogether. The material world is that of familiarity and reliable, however, and it's the key to accessing the energy that you'll eventually have the intense need to release.
There is definitely an aspect of healing in your chart. There is so much energy that is moved, that a change is almost certainly imminent.
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There is a myth where at the end of his rule, the Sun god Ra sends goddess Hathor(associated with Uttara Bhadra) in the form of Sekhmet to destroy all mortals who have conspired against him. She did as he said, and her thirst for blood was not quenched at the end of that battle. She went on to destroy Egypt and wipe out almost all of humankind.
To stop her, Ra and other gods devised a plan to pour a lake of beer that resebled blood, dyed red from ochre. Mistaking it for actual blood, Sekhmet drank it, became too drunk and gave up on her violent endeavor.
To add a few goddesses, Yoruban Oya_goddess of winds, Greek Sophia_ Goddess of wisdom and Hindu Tara_ savior goddess are all in one way or another relevant to your chart.
If you want to research or find other goddesses yourself, you can search for goddesses of lightning, fire, rain, sea, wisdom, perserverance through challenges... etc.
As a last note, your chart ruler is Venus(Libra ascendant), and your atmakaraka(along with your rahu) is in Taurus. There is a Venusian influence in you, one that is focused towards restraint and harmony. If you feel called to, you can look for goddesses connected to that.
This is it, hope you found this helpful.
Please, leave a feedback in the asks after reading. 💕
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theamazingmaddyas · 6 months ago
Okay, so for my own fanfictions, most of which take place post-TOA and therefore post-Percy "claim your children" Jackson and Jason "honor minor gods" Grace, I made myself a spreadsheet of all the cabins I believe could plausibly be at Camp Half-Blood, and ended up with a whopping 270, and there's probably more dieties whom I couldn't find any information on, and some dieties whom I don't believe would have a cabin (ex. Kronos) (if you think I should add someone comment) and decided to paste it here, since I don't feel comfortable sharing my original spreadsheet. I did add the water dieties, even though their kids could also plausibly go to the underwater camp, but I've decided to give them the option of what camp they want. I also didn't copy their domains, but I have the list from my research, so you can ask if you'd like, I'll be glad to explain! Most of my research was from Theoi Project - Greek Mythology, and Brittanica, and probably some others I've since forgotten, so if you know any good Greek Mythology resourses and books, please share!
Here's some symbols before we begin:
* - virgin goddess. I added them because Athena and Artemis already have cabins (and Athena kids by magical means)
" - Dieties whom have faded in the series. Their cabins are more memorials to them.
Additionally there are 2 dieties named Thalia, (1) Thalia refers to the muse, the goddess of comedies, and (2) Thalia refers to the goddess of festivities and banquet
(1) Thalia
Thyone(formally Semele)
(2) Thalia
So that's my list. I don't really have a rhyme or reason for why each number is each, but I did clump together gods with similar domains because that's where they were easiest to find in my research... I honestly think kids of minor gods are very underused in TOA fics, and even in PJO and HOO to an extent. Jillie, my nine year old daughter of Gelus with a contageous laugh? One of my fave OCs.
As for Roman gods and goddess, I'm not as knowledgable, but hopefully I'll make a spreadsheet for plausable godly parents, though unlike CHB it doesn't need to be organized as there's just Cohorts. I don't write Camp Jupiter fics all that often, but it'll be a good resource to have if I choose to.
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pjohoo-reclists · 2 months ago
Year in Review - Personal Reads in 2024 - Part I
This rec list is a bit different from the rest I've posted. These are some of the fics I've read and bookmarked in 2024 that have impressed me, or left me with some sort of emotional or thought provoking response.
The ratings, ships etc. are all varied. There will be some fics that you don't like, so please read the tags before tapping the link.
This list has has the longer fics (4k+) and this list has the short fics (0.5k-4k) - will be posted soon. Enjoy!
bloodtide by DragonflyxParodies
Not Rated | 4.5k+ | Incomplete
Percy Jackson & Neptune, Percy Jackson & Kymopoleia, Percy Jackson/Nico di Angelo
AU - Canon Divergence, Divine Retribution, Romans vs Greeks
There are no water gods in New Rome.
Solstice Meetings by ShaaKi
T | 4.6k | Complete
Poseidon/Zeus, Percy Jackson & Poseidon, Minor Percy Jackson/Apollo
One-Sided Attraction, Possessive Behaviour, Poseidon-centric
Lately Poseidon has been struggling to pay attention in Solstice meetings. The reason? Everyone keeps staring at him and it's starting to give him a complex. To make matters worse, Zeus had been acting odd for the past few years.
The Inevitable by DancingInTheSliverGlow
T | 5.2k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Hades/Persephone, Percy Jackson & Poseidon, past Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase
Post-Tartarus Trauma, Powerful Percy Jackson, Percy Jackson Needs a Hug
Percy hasn’t told anyone how strong he’s become. That would only take a single push to break the fragile membrane containing his mortality. It's moments like these that remind Percy how close to godhood he is. It’s in the way Percy constantly feels like he’s larger than his physical body. He can feel the ancient underworld rivers running through Hades’s kingdom, and remembers how when he reaches for them they fight his control but ultimately bend under his will. If he stretches his senses, he can even glimpse his father’s domain all the way on the surface world, the ocean constantly churning. The sea is always in the back of his mind singing its siren song, beckoning him to accept his fate and reminding Percy of the non-insignificant power he holds over the very fabric of the world.
Forgive Me Father For I have Sinned by Shadowhale
T | 5.4k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Poseidon, Percy Jackson & Triton
Misunderstandings, Protective Poseidon, Hurt Percy Jackson
 “It’s okay! Really, I mean I get it! I’m not offended or anything” Percy said quickly, almost stumbling over his words. He wasn’t lying, sure would it have been nice to have a father that cared but he wasn't delusional. Poseidon had been kind and gentle. He had left him a lot of good memories that Percy could cling to! He had even hugged Percy! At the end of the day he was a god, one of the Big Three. It would be the height of arrogance to presume that the god of the seas would ever care about a pitiful mortal. Besides Percy still had his mom it wasn’t like he really needed anyone else (No matter how nice it would have been). Or: Poseidon makes the startling realization that his favorite son believes his father does not love him.
Interlude: Atlantis by DustShattersLikeGlass
G | 8.0k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Poseidon, Percy Jackson & Amphitrite, Percy Jackson & Triton
Percy is a Prince, Percy Jackson is a Little Shit, Dysfunctional Family
Welcome to Atlantis Series Part 2 of A Family Built on the Weary
Fertility Deities and Lessons in Consent by Luraia
M | 16k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase, Percy Jackson & Hermes
Genderfluid Characters, Consent Issues, Bad Parent Zeus
New god Percy Jackson just wants to settle down with his goddess wife Annabeth and create lots of little godlings. When they fail to make a child in six months of trying, Percy impulsively summons a fertility goddess to receive her 'blessing' without realizing how exactly the blessing is transferred. Here's a hint: it's through sex. Incidentally, Hermes is the god of thieves, gamblers, roads, doorways, initiations, athletes, wayfarers, shepherds, and heraldry, among other things. With such a big list, it's easy to forget he's also the god of fertility. And that he can easily change his form.
Dancing to Your Symphony by dcninja 
T | 20k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Hermes, Katie Gardener/Travis Stoll, Percy Jackson & Thalia Grace
Aged Up Percy Jackson Characters, Post Tartarus Trauma, Percy Jackson Needs a Hug
Hermes is in love with Percy but won’t say anything because he knows Percy deserves better than the drama that would come from a romantic entanglement with an Olympian. Percy is in love with Hermes but won’t say anything because he knows his feelings would never be reciprocated. Apollo and Triton plot to get them together, while Travis just wants to propose to his girlfriend. Or an already stressful night is made even more so as both Percy and Hermes reflect on lessons about healing, moving on, and allowing themselves to love again. At least it will be a memorable Winter Solstice.
The Prince of Changing Tides by dcninja
G | 24k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Camp Half Blood Campers, Percy Jackson & Camp Jupiter Campers
Camp Jupiter Politics, Outsider POV, Powerful Percy Jackson
“I just don’t understand why the Greeks treat him as such a big deal,” Marcel said “Or even the gods. Lady Juno and Lord Mars clearly backed him, and I don’t understand why. He certainly doesn’t look like much.” “Why don’t you just ask around?” she asked him. “Heroes have stories and people are always eager to tell them. I’m sure any of the Greeks could tell you more about him.” “It’s not a bad idea,” Jordan added. “It would be nice knowing exactly why he was part of the prophesied Seven. I know the Venus girl had sorcery and the Vulcan boy obviously had power over fire. But why Jackson? Just because they took a boat?” Despite raising him on a shield, Romans don't know much about Percy Jackson, or even the Greeks in general. As the Legion attempts to recover from the wars, they find out there is far more to the Son of Neptune then they originally thought, and learn quite a few things about themselves along the way.
Amen by CaffeinatedFlumadiddle
T | 39k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Poseidon, Sally Jackson/Poseidon, Sally Jackson & Poseidon
Fluff and Humor, Family Feels, Post Tartarus PTSD
Percy knows he rambles quite a bit in his prayers to Poseidon, but at least he is safe in the knowledge that Poseidon is too busy of a god to ever really listen… right? Meanwhile, Poseidon is trying to be a responsible god, but Sally Jackson keeps praying to him about their son and Annabeth Chase won't shut up about... what was she even talking about? At least the di Angelo kid keeps giving him McDonalds.
Ocean Madness by SirOliverSurface, undeath230
M | 87k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Luke Castellan, Percy Jackson & Thalia Grace, Luke Castellan & Thalia Grace
Book 2: Sea of Monsters, Gen or Pre Slash, Slice of Life
Percy knew that with Kronos rising he wasn't in for a good time, but he wasn't expecting things to be this hectic. It didn't help that she was involved, but he supposed at least he had his friends with him.
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hamletshoeratio · 1 year ago
Pride was Theseus' fatal flaw.
He abandons Ariadne, the literal only reason he survived the labyrinth, because he feels he can do better or because he doesn't want to acknowledge that he couldn't defeat the minotaur and survive the labyrinth alone. He gets so caught up in his victory that he forgets to raise white flags so his (mortal) father knows he survived, and said father throws himself into the sea in despair and dies thinking his son is dead. Becoming King of Athens as a result of that, he becomes a tyrannical king because of his pride and because a toxic friend uses his pride to manipulate him. Where once he was brave and cared for other people, only attacking after first being attacked, after meeting Pirithous, he began doing dangerous and cruel things without thinking about the consequences of his actions. He becomes cruel and self-serving. He kidnaps a thirteen year old Helen of Sparta, intent on making her his wife (never mind the wife he already has) because she is a beautiful daughter of Zeus, the most beautiful girl on the Earth, who else would be worthy of her?, he thinks. He tries to help his friend kidnap Persephone, a goddess in her own right, so that they both can be married to daughters of Zeus, who could stand in their way? Hercules saves his ass from Hades' punishment, but even despite all of the above bullshit, the Gods still don't abandon him. Not until he murders his own son do they abandon him. He kills his son out of jealousy and out of pride. Now he's old, and his own people despise him, even the gods have abandoned him, so he decides to try and be a hero again. He fails. He's lost everything because of pride. Eventually, he is either pushed or he himself jumps (depends on the retelling) into the sea and drowns. If he was pushed, he was too proud and thought that he couldn't be tricked. If he jumped, maybe he was too proud to believe that his father had abandoned him, or maybe he realised his fatal flaw, realised the devastion that he left in his wake as a result and couldn't live with it.
Theseus represents the worst aspects of Poseidon. He's possessive, temperamental, violent, selfish, impulsive, and all-consuming. He doesn't take no for an answer. He's too proud. If Poseidon is anything, it's a prideful god. See the Odyssey, where he has a long vendetta against Odysseus for killing his son. See the Illiad where he sides the Greeks because Laomedon, the mortal King of Troy generations before Priam, Hector and Paris, promised a temporarily mortal Poseidon great reward for building the walls that would later protect Troy from the Greeks for over a decade, then when the task was done told him that setting him free is the best reward that Poseidon could hope for. Posedion took every opportunity to attack Trojan ships and even sent a blood thirsty sea serpent to terrorise the city. There's countless stories where Posedion's pride is the driving force behind them.
Pride is not all that Posedion is, but it's one of his faults.
Do you understand how significant his surrender is? Because I do and it's driving me insane. He sets it aside and he surrenders to his brother, a brother who once took his powers and made him mortal, the brother who is the very last person in the universe he would ever want to submit to. He does it to save Percy because Percy matters far more to him than his pride.
Posedion is one of the Gods who have grown the most since ancient times. He's no Saint and he will never be one, but he's calmed, he grown, he can now set his pride aside.
It's probably why Kymopoleia was banished (she deserves better from Rick because she is full of untapped potential and ngl hoo did her dirty and I can and probably will rant about it someday just not in this post), because she reminded Posedion too much of his dark side, a side he isn't indulging in as much because he's not conspiring to steal Zeus' throne, because as far as we know he doesn't have any vendetta currently ongoing (other than doing significant damage to Florida when Hera kidnaps Percy in tlh).
We do see Posedion set his pride aside for Percy in the books, in the last olympian when joins Zeus and Co in the battle, letting his own domain face destruction. Kronos doesn't expect Posedion to join Zeus & co because of his pride and he's both shocked and pissed that Posedion has done so. It wasn't part of his plan, he never considered that happening (which makes Hades showing up too so much sweeter). Percy had to ask him to do that. Seeing Posedion set his pride aside without a single word from Percy, who has closed his eyes and accepted his fate? I'M A FUCKING WRECK
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julix41-blog · 3 months ago
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~Deep down...~
~Deep down...~
First real post of an OC and it's from an outside fandom😅
I recently got VERY STRONGLY into the Record of Ragnarok fandom, and while the female characters leave a lot to be desired, I like how it adapts mythology. I decided to make my own version of a character from the Greek pantheon.
I present to you Scylla! The queen of the seas and the wife of Poseidon. She has the title of Amphitrite, which is the representation of calm seas (both for good and bad).
I adapted things from both the Amphitrite and Scylla myths to make this OC. Here's a summary:
🌊Scylla was a nymph who lived on the island of the powerful Goddess Circe, however she liked to have her own activities closer to the sea. That's how she ended up running into Poseidon on a couple of occasions, who although he is... Well. Poseidon, could afford these interactions thanks to her relationship with Circe.
🌊As time went by, the relationship became more serious, the courtship attempts began and there was no way Scylla would not be pleased with this, but then Glaucus arrived, a half-man, half-fish demigod. Glaucus fell in love with Scylla and tried to court her constantly, to an almost obsessive degree.
🌊When Scylla decided to be clear about her reason for rejecting Glaucus, he became enraged, and using Circe's interest in his strange anatomy as an excuse, he broke into her palace and stole one of her potions.
🌊Glaucus overturned the pool where Scylla used to bathe as a way of humiliating her, although he did not intend to turn her into a monster, he definitely wanted her to suffer for having rejected him. Scylla went from being a beautiful nymph to an unknown being with fish-like attributes and six eel heads.
🌊Glaucus tried to "comfort" Scylla, but just seeing him made Scylla so scared that she ran away from him in shame. She was missing for quite some time, hidden in the caves of an island in Sicily.
🌊 Poseidon found out about this and in order not to scare her, he sent several marine animals to try to calm Scylla and convince her to leave the cave, including a dolphin that managed to do so.
🌊Today, Scylla and Poseidon are surprisingly happily married. Poseidon enjoys the strength and power of Scylla's form and honestly doesn't see her as any less beautiful than before (don't say I said that--)
🌊Poseidon and Scylla have several children together, including: Triton, Polyphemus, Rhodo, Benthesikyme, Kymopoleia and Despena.
🌊Scylla likes to roam the calm seas and attack sailors who catch her eye or if they give her a good stimulation. She is still a woman with a strong character, vanity, pride and principles, but she also has an animal instinct that makes her act in a less premeditated way.
🌊She still maintains communication with Circe! and likes to bring her rare specimens like a cat bringing mice to its owner.
🌊Their heads are pseudo independent beings, they have personalities similar to hunting dogs.
🌊Symbols like the crown of this seashell and the dolphins are inspired by Amphitrite. While the jewelry on their tentacles/necks is a reference to Cardibis! who made whirlpools of water to attract their prey and was very close to Scylla.
I hope you like it!
primer post real de una oc y es de un fandom exterior😅
me meti hace poco CON MUCHA FUERZA en el fandom de Record of Ragnarok, y si bien los personajes femeninos dejan Mucho que desear, me gusta como adapta la mitología. decidi hacer mi propia versión de un personaje del panteon griego.
¡les presento a Escila! la reina de los mares y la esposa de Poseidon. tiene el titulo de Anfitrita, que es la representación de los mares tranquilos(tanto para bien como para mal).
Adapte cosas tanto de los mitos de Anfitrita como de Escila para hacer este Oc. aqui un resumen:
🌊Escila era una ninfa que vivia en la isla de la poderosa Diosa Circe, sin embargo le gustaba tener sus propias actividades mas cerca del mar. de esa forma se termino topando en un par de ocaciones con Poseidon, que si bien es...bueno. Poseidon, podia permitirse estas interacciones gracias a su relación con Circe.
🌊Con el pasar del tiempo la relación se fue haciendo mas seria, los intentos de cortejo empezaron y no habia forma en la cual Escila no estuviera complacida con esto, pero entonces llego Glauco, un semi dios mitad hombre mitad pez. Glauco se enamoro de Escila y trato de cortejarla constantemente, a un grado casi obsesivo.
🌊Cuando Escila decidio ser clara con su razon para rechazar a Glauco, el entro en colera, y usando de excusa el interes de Circe en su extraña anatomia, se metió en su palacio y robo una de sus posimas.
🌊Glauco volco la posima en donde Escila solia bañarse como una forma de humillarla, si bien no tenia la intención de convertirla en un monstruo, definitivamente queria que sufriera por haberlo rechazado. Escila paso de ser una hermksa ninfa a un ser desconocido con atributos de pez y seis cabezas de anguila.
🌊Glauco trato de "consolar" a Escila, pero el solo verlo hizo que Escila se asustara tanto que huyera de el en vergüenza. estuvo desaparecida bastante tiempo oculta en las cuevas de una isla de Sicilia.
🌊 Poseidon se entero de esto y para no asustarla mando varios animales marinos a tratar de calmar a Escila y convencerla de salir de la cueva, entre ellas un delfin que logro hacerlo.
🌊en la actualidad, Escila y Poseidon estan casado sorprendentemente de forma feliz. Poseidon disfruta de la fuerza y poder de la forma de Escila y, sinceramente, no la ve menos hermosa que antes(no digas que dije eso--)
🌊Poseidon y Escila tienen varios hijos juntos, entre ellos: Triton, Polifemo, Rhodo, Benthesikyme, Kymopoleia y Despena.
🌊Escila gusta de rondar por los mares tranquilos y atacar a los marineros que le llamen la atención o si le dan una buena estimulación. sigue siendo una mujer con un caracter fuerte, vanidad, orgullo y principios, pero también tiene un instinto animal que le hace actuar de forma menos premeditada.
🌊¡sigue manteniendo comunicación con Circe! y le gusta traerle especimenes raros como un gato trayendole ratones a su dueño.
🌊sus cabezas son seres pseudo independientes, tienen personalidades similares a perros de caza.
🌊Simbolos como la corona de esteella de mar y los deflines son inspiración de Anfitrite. mientras que la joyeria en sus tentaculos/cuellos es una referencia a Cardibis! que hacia remolinos de agua para atraer a sus presas y estaba muy cerca de Escila.
espero les guste!
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mermaidenmystic · 3 years ago
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Oiolyka by Kaysha Siemens Fine Art 
According to Greek Mythology, Oiolyka (Οίολυκα) was a sea-nymph, the daughter of Briareos the hundred-handed giant. Oiolyke may have been a minor deity of storm-generated wave-surges. While it is not widely accepted, according to some, Herakles was sent to fetch her girdle rather than Hippolyta's as his one of his Twelve Labors." The fact that her name is a combination of two words oios which mean lone and lokos which means wolf perhaps describes the jaws of a large, breaking wave generated by her stormy parents--the storm-giant Briareos and wave-goddess Kymopoleia.  ~ https://greekmythology.fandom.com/wiki/Oiolyka 
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umbran6 · 4 years ago
Hogwarts Houses for the Heroes of Olympus, Apollo, and Meg.
I’ve seen a lot of people do this, so I thought I should do this and explain as to why I wanted them there. Spoilers are abound through Heroes of Olympus and Trials of Apollo as I explain my reasoning. 
Percy Jackson: Hufflepuff. Look, I know a lot of people place him in Gryffindor. That’s a reasonable outcome one can reach, considering his feats could be considered immensely brave. However, Percy has often participated in his quests out of a sense of loyalty towards those he loves, whether it’s his mom (The Lightning Thief), Camp Half-Blood (The Sea of Monsters), Annabeth (Both The Titan’s Curse and Battle of The Labyrinth), and in The Last Olympian, all of them. What really pins him in place is when he willingly fallis to Tartarus alongside Annabeth by the ending of The Mark of Athena, which is a remarkable yet insane feat of both love and loyalty. He also has a work ethic, which is revealed during The Tower of Nero. Rather than just go straight to New Rome and live a happy life, he went to a hellish military school just so he could graduate from there with a high school diploma. If that’s not a work ethic, I don’t know what is. Loyalty and work ethic are key Hufflepuff traits, and Percy has shown all of them. 
Annabeth Chase: Slytherin. Annabeth has often shown a lot of intelligence, but also a lot of resourcefulness and cunning during her time in the series. She literally tricked both Arachne and Nyx in what were impossible situations, and her goals are extremely ambitious, with her wanting to become an architect so she could build something that could last a thousand years. She also has a lot of Ravenclaw traits, to the point she repeated Odysseus and listened to the Sirens so she could learn what she desired the most. However, that was only once, and most often she used the knowledge she was given in resourceful and cunning ways, such as during the Last Olympian where she used the statues from Daedalus as a way to defend Manhattan. Needless to say, in my opinion she is a Slytherin first and Ravenclaw second. 
Jason Grace: It’s quite tricky, considering we don’t get to see any key defining traits, but I have decided to put him in Gryffindor. Jason’s shown plenty of bravery, fighting Giants and Titans during his quest, but he also has honor and chivalry, which he shows during Blood of Olympus, and later on, The Burning Maze. Specifically, in the scene where he makes a deal with Kymopoleia, promising to make shrines not only to her, but to all of the hundreds of minor gods of Greek Mythology. As we later see during The Burning Maze, Jason was completely willing to honor such a deal, working on the shrines even while he was living the closest thing to a normal life one could achieve as a demigod. And of course, we can’t ignore the fact that he was brave to fight Caligula just so his friends could escape. 
Piper Mclean: Slytherin. This is because during most of the time we’ve seen her, Piper fights dirty. She doesn’t stab a monster in the dagger, but charmspeaks the monster and stabs him in the back while he’s distracted. When claiming the position as Cabin Counselor in the Aphrodite Cabin during The Lost Hero from Drew, Piper uses the rules against her to get the position, rather than straight-up fighting her at the very beginning. Furthermore, rather than fight Khione upfront during the House of Hades, she bides her time and stalls the goddess until she can find a way to win. Though she has some traits that could go along with the other Houses, Slytherin tends to stand out the best. The only way she isn’t Slytherin in terms of traits is that she lacks ambition — we never see her have a higher goal beyond the quest, or any plans for what she’s going to do after everything’s done. Overall, she’s Slytherin through her actions, not her words, ironically. 
Frank Zhang: Gryffindor. This is because Frank performs a lot of actions that are by any standard, brave, and often selfless and self-sacrificial. Specifically, a lot of the sacrifices he performs throughout the series. In Son of Neptune, he was willing to be the distraction against the Laestrygonians so that Percy and Hazel could start their escape plan. He was literally willing to burn his own life force (his stick) so that Thanatos could break free despite the very large risk it posed to him. He even stood in the way of a Giant, pushing him all the way to the Canadian border. And as we learn in The Tyrant’s Tomb, he was willing to repeat his sacrifice if it meant Caligula and Commodus were killed.  Frank is a Gryffindor through and through, though he does have some minor Ravenclaw traits such as his use of tactics against his opponents, way of making plans, or recalling ancient Roman history. 
Hazel Levesque: Once again, this was another difficult one. Mainly because Hazel is split right down to the middle between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor. On one hand, she was so loyal to her mother that despite the fact that the lady got them into this mess, Hazel willingly sacrificed Elysium so her mom wasn’t punished. On the other hand, she was also willing to sacrifice herself so Alcyoneus couldn’t rise again despite the fact that it would lead to her and her mom’s death. Finally, I decided she deserved to go to Gryffindor, because of the fact that she willingly went towards the quest to rescue Thanatos in The Son of Neptune despite the fact that it was very likely that the god of Death would take her back to the Underworld. That takes immense amounts of bravery, not only because it’s the right thing to do, but she’s also putting herself at immense risk of being dragged down to the Underworld. 
There are some Slytherin traits, such as when she made a plan to trick Sciron during the House of Hades, or the plan to trap Nike. However, Hazel’s a lot more defined by her bravery and empathy, which are more Gryffindor traits. If she had more ambition, a big goal after the quest it could be understood, but overall her Gryffindor traits are more prominent. For example, let’s compare how she got to Praetor and Octavian got to Praetor, and later on, Pontifex Maximus. Octavian often used a lot of word-twisting and dirty tactics to get his position, and only got there because Reyna left her post so she could help Jason. In comparison, the legion willingly raised her on a shield and collectively voted her into the position due to her bravery during the fight against Tarquin in The Tyrant’s Tomb. 
Leo Valdez: There have been arguments over where he should go. All of them want him in one house or the other, but the most convincing ones were either having him in Slytherin, or in Ravenclaw. And I can definitely agree with both — Leo has shown immense amounts of intelligence and cunning throughout the series.  He’s also intelligent in the sense that he created the Argo II, multiple weapons, the Holographic Scrolls, and even Buford. 
However, after looking through his actions, I found that he leans more towards Slytherin. Although his façade of cheerfulness and humor was used to disguise trauma, he also used said humor to make himself appealing towards bullies so they didn’t beat him up. He often used his cunning to morph himself to social situations such as his façade as a jokester to look less threatening in comparison to others. 
During the times we see him fight, he’s also the one to not only play it smart, but also using tactics and dirty tricks, rather than focusing on swordplay or his own fire powers. The only time we see him go ham with his pyrokinesis is when he’s fighting Khione during The Lost Hero. Furthermore, in The Mark of Athena, rather than straight-up fight the nymphs and Narcissus to get the celestial bronze he needed to make repairs, he uses himself as a distraction and has Hazel manipulate the bronze in a place where she can’t be seen, which is a plan that needs a lot of manipulation of the opposing parties.
What finally acted as the nail in the coffin for me was his plan to defeat Gaea during Blood of Olympus. It involved a lot of manipulation of both enemies and allies, and in the ended it succeeded so brilliantly that everybody got what they wanted, with none of them being aware of the plan until Frank and Hazel explained it, and they were the very few people in the know regarding Leo’s sacrifice. Developing such a plan takes immense amounts of cunning and ambition, which are both Slytherin traits. Although he may be chaotic, mischievous, and annoying, Leo is the guy you don’t realize is a Slytherin until it’s too late.
Nico di Angelo: The thing about a guy who was pretty much a loner throughout most of his time in the series is that it’s hard to tell what values he has. Ergo, we should look at his actions rather than his own words. Nico, although mainly dominated by his naïveté during his younger years, has shown himself to be extremely brave. For example, there was him openly defying his father by saving Percy from his imprisonment, and later actively convincing Hades to stop his vow of neutrality and fight alongside the Olympians in The Last Olympian. Finally, there’s his excursion to Tartarus and later his willingness to transport the Athena Parthenos during Blood of Olympus. Nico willingly went there to see if the Doors of Death were over there, and later transported the Athena Parthenos to Camp Half-Blood even if it meant he would fade into the shadows forever. All feats are insanely brave, and therefore I argue that he should go to Gryffindor. 
Reyna Avila Ramirez Arellano: Hufflepuff. Most of Reyna’s actions aren’t inspired by bravery, honor, or chivalry, though from a certain point of view they are brave. Reyna often performs most of her actions out of loyalty for those she cares about, almost in a Percy-ish kind of way. Her interrogation and cold nature towards Percy in Son of Neptune? Suspicion that he would be a threat to Camp Jupiter. She metaphorically fought against Octavian’s power advances because she knew his own ambitions wouldn’t help New Rome. Willingness to cooperate with the Greeks before the Eidolons screwed up everything? She believed that it was best for New Rome. Willingness to brave the Mare Nostrum all by herself? Both her loyalty to Jason and that she believed that waging war against Camp Half-Blood was not the best for the legion. Her loyalty and ethic just make her a shoe-in for Hufflepuff. 
Apollo/Lester Papadopoulos: Oh boy, he’s kind of at an in-between when it comes what house he should be in. If we were talking about him pre-Lesterfication, I would honestly say Hufflepuff, but he takes a good chunk of those traits and turned them into a darker way. He defeated Python because the snake monster had chased his mother off of Delphi. He alongside Artemis murdered Niobe’s kids because the goddess insulted Leto by saying she was better than her. When Asclepius is murdered by Zeus, he retaliates by murdering the Cyclopes who made the weapons. And finally, he punishes those who broke their vows He shows loyalty, but in a lot of darker ways that we don’t expect. He’s got Hufflepuff morals, but they’re in a darker, more warped way than we expect. 
If we’re looking at him post-Lesterfication, I would still say Hufflepuff, but now he does it in a brighter way and is also more Gryffindor. He was more willing to sacrifice himself if it meant saving those he cared about, such as when he willingly tried to kill himself during The Burning Maze if it meant Caligula would stop holding his friends hostage. He was also willing to commit more honorable gestures such as bringing Jason’s body to New Rome during The Tyrant’s Tomb. He was even willing to own up to his mistakes right in front of a god who had every right to hate him if it meant Meg and Reyna could be spared. He’s still a Hufflepuff, but he’s a more idealistic and less warped version of the values he had before he became Lester. 
Meg: In a way, she’s pretty much like Apollo. She’s a Hufflepuff, but in all the wrong ways at first. We see this in The Dark Prophecy when its clear that during that time, she was more loyal to Nero of all people rather than her fellow campers, to the point of accepting Nero’s gaslighting if it meant she could see the positive view of him. However, she’s also loyal to Apollo and her father, which we see in The Burning Maze because the main reason she guns for Caligula is because she often compares him to The Beast aspect of Nero, the person who killed her dad. She in the end is also willing to accept and finish her father’s legacy, planting the seeds that eventually become the Meliai. Tower of Nero is when she gains the will to stand up to Nero after support from Apollo and her friends, and is later on seen taking care of the other children Nero abused. In the end, she’s a Hufflepuff despite the fact that she may not look like it. 
Now, before you guys getting up in arms about there being no Ravenclaws, in my opinion the house is a lot more knowledge-focused, whether its discovering more knowledge, but also using it in a more academic and experimental way. Considering we don’t see this attitude or its corresponding values too much during the stories that we see since they’re more save-the-world mission focused. While Slytherin does have an intelligence-centric value such as cunning, its more focused on using such intelligence to manipulate and trick others, while Ravenclaw uses such intelligence in the discovery for knowledge. 
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zazzander · 3 years ago
Jason Grace and Octavian, pt 5 / final
Healing the Gods
Of course, there is another parallel between Jason and Octavian – the rank of Pontifex Maximus. While Reyna is criticising Octavian for taking on the role, Jason is being proclaimed it. Interestingly, once again Octavian looks to gain power and is shamed by the characters around him; once again, Jason is handed this power and it is celebrated as something noble.
First, Octavian
Ignoring the murder part of this plan, one of Octavian's goals in Blood of Olympus (and perhaps long before) was to heal the gods. To fix the break that causes them to be divided, to fight themselves. He wants to restore them to full power. But I've spoken about Octavian's intent at length before. So this post is mostly being to talk about Jason.
And then, Jason
Going all the way back to the Lost Hero, we have Jason’s comment:
“So you believe those gods still exist?”
“Yes,” Jason said immediately. “I mean, I don’t think we should worship them or sacrifice chickens to them or anything, but they’re still around because they’re a powerful part of civilisation. They move from country to country as the centre of power shifted – like they moved from Ancient Greece to Rome.” [Lost Hero 90]
Not example the words of someone who would later become a priest. But Jason changes during Blood of Olympus.
“I can change that,” he promised. “I will personally arrange a shrine for you on Temple Hill in New Rome. Your first ever Roman shrine! I’ll raise one at Camp Half-Blood as well, right on the shore of Long Island Sound. Imagine, being honoured–”
“And feared.”
“– and feared by both Greeks and Romans. You’ll be famous!”
He offers this in the heat of battle, as a means of turning Kymopoleia, the minor goddess, back to their side against the giants.
After the fight, Jason says,
“I will,” Jason said. “When we win this war, I’m going to make sure all the gods get recognised.” […] “Which is why I’m going to finish the job.” Jason didn’t know where these words were coming from, but the idea fight absolutely right. “I’ll make sure none of the gods are forgotten at either camp. Maybe they’ll get temple, or cabins, or at least shrines.”
As they part, Kym says,
“But, if you win, remember your promise, Pontifex.”
Jason took a moment to process her words. “I’m not a priest.”
“No?” Kym’s white eyes gleamed.
And Jason offers his own explanation to Percy,
“Roman used to have a Pontifex Maximus, who oversaw all the proper sacrifices and whatnot, to make sure none of the gods got made. Which I offered to do… I guess it does sound like a pontifex’s job.”
Jason is setting himself up as Octavian’s successor, even if he doesn't fully realise taht.
Octavian was the sole priest of the, seemingly for a long time. And Jason certainly hadn’t considered helping him in the past.
But as Octavian’s death approaches, Jason is prepping to take over.
Again, it’s interesting how their goals align; and so too does their path.
“I heard. The Senate plans to elect you Pontifex Maximus.”
Jason shrugged. “I don’t care about the title so much. I do care about making sure the gods are remembered.”
One thing this entire narrative has been insistent upon is that trying to gain power is wrong. But being handed it on a golden platter? Morally correct. Ambition is wrong, apparently.
But its such a luxury for Jason to be like "yeah I don't care" because anyone else would struggle to fulfil his promises without that title. Hell, even with that title, they might struggle. Octavian certainly did. The moment Reyna returned all bets were off. Everyone switched allegiance.
Jason Drops the Façade
The whole of Long Island Sound spread out to the horizon. They were so far up, and at such an angle that nobody below could possibly see them. The patrol harpies never flew this high. […] “But aren’t you going to get in trouble?”
“Who cares?” Jason asked.
Piper laughed quietly. “Who are you?”
He turned, his glasses place bronze in starlight. “Jason Grace. Please to meet you.”
As we see Jason recreate the memory of their first kiss. In a poetic way, Jason has become the person Hera knew he could be. For all the flack she gets, Hera really did know him best.
Ironically, Jason is now the person that could have been good friends with Octavian. Someone ready to break some rules. Someone who realises the nature of the gods and wants to fix things. Someone who wishes to make Rome a little more Greek.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
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marsprincess889 · 1 year ago
DISCLAIMER: This is based solely on my research and the patterns that I saw. I can't promise that I'm gonna be sure in all the coorelations, but I'm going to attribute each nakshatra a goddess that I think fits it the closest. If you're dissapointed, to make up for it, I'm going to list some other deities in the end that I think also fit the nakshatra. Don't come for me if you think I'm wrong, be respectful in the comments if you think so and have fun 🤍
While researching for this one there were several goddesses that kinda fit ardra and I'm going to talk about them, but the goddess that I chose is definitely a much better fit.
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Pantheon: Greek
Name meaning: wave walker
Associations: The sea, violent sea storms, waves
Kymopoleia is Greek nymph-goddess, daughter of Poseidon and the mistress of the seas.
She has the ability to generate powerful waves and create and control violent sea storms, hurricanes and typhoons. She can also manipulate air and is immune to the freezing temperatures underwater. Kymopoleia was said to be a beautiful young woman in a green dress(ardra is said to represent "the green one", or "the moist one"). She belonged to a species of sea nymphs that lured sailors to their destruction.
She was said to big and clumsy, some said that whenever she went, destruction followed. Because of this, she was disliked by her father and he gave her away to to be wed to a hundred-handed storm giant Briareus. Despite being unloved by parents, she was said to be a 20 foot tall beauty, with luminous white skin and hair that glowed like jellyfish when underwater.
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Her destructive, angsty nature definitely applies to Ardra whose god is Rudra- storm god of righteous violence and destruction. Ardra's symbols famously include a teardrop, a diamond and a human head. With all the information available about Kymopoleia, she definitely suits this nakshatra, but I want to talk about some others that might also fit.
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Oya- Yoruban goddess of violent sea storms (like kymopoleia), lightning and the wind. She had a formidable temper that frequently clashed with her husbands and she could create storms by her rage. Rage is also connected to ardra and its god - Rudra.
This next example is excellent- Armenian goddess Tsovinar. She is a goddess of water, the sea and rain. She is a fierce goddess, who could force the rain fall down with her sheer fury. Her name means "daughter of the seas".
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Ardra is the point in the wheel were an individual experiences their first fall from grace and a great disillusionment that is remembered well after it's gone. It's even more painful because it's the first time that the pain is felt, when we truly know suffering. "The moist one" could refer to crying, the sea or the rain, or even the cold water you splash on your face after you wake up, to be more ready to face the world. The diamond is what you become after all that pressure, its clarity is what you achieve(achievement is Ardra's power) after crying and witnessing. Ardra is also connected to hunting, but unlike in Mrigashira, this hunting is ruthless, selfish and nessecary. It's the place where we become truly human and cry for ourselves as a human, and by doing that, crying for the whole humanity. At the end of this nakshatra we have a choice_ to stay in the suffering or to return to the light in the next nakshatra- Punarvasu.
Deities that might be coorelated to ardra other than Kymopoleia:
Tsovinar- Armenian water, sea and rain goddess.
Oya- Yoruban goddess of violent sea storms and lightning.
Ran- Norse goddess of the sea, thieving and treasures.
Aegaeus- Greek god of violent sea storms.
Nodens- Celtic god of the sea, hunting and wealth.
This is it for Ardra 💎💧 it was so hard to find a goddess with enough info but my friend @quilpleuve-blog helped me out. Anyways, I hope this was interesting and hope it makes as much sense as I think it does. If you're Ardra, or even if you're not, please tell me what you think, like, comment, reblog, or you can message me. Thanks for reading and take care 🤍🤍🤍
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littlemoondance · 4 years ago
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More Greek goddess mood boards ✨ don’t worry I have more I still haven’t shared still yet. Dicé • Chione • Kymopoleia • Harmonia • Iris • Nike • Eos • Alectrona • Astaea | #littlemoondance #lmdmoodboard #greekmythology #aesthetic #lmdandtheolympians https://www.instagram.com/p/CSIkd7aFMWp/?utm_medium=tumblr
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cardiganloser · 5 years ago
The Underworld Squad
Note: I made a few posts about a squad of Underworld kids, and them all finding family with eachother after being cast out of the rest of society. A few people were interested in the story, so I decided that before I start writing the fanfic, which I'll cross-post to ao3 and Wattpad, I'd talk about the characters involved. Namely the ocs, but Nico, Will and Hazel will all be making appearances.
Emma Blossom, female, daughter of Persephone
Oliver Mizeria, male, son of Akhlys
Seren Nova, female, daughter of Nyx
Aldrin Nova, male, son of Nyx
Gracelyn Tod, female, daughter of Thanatos
Maia Oneira, non-binary, child of Melinoe
Emma Blossom
After a blissful eleven years spent with her father, botanist Ethan Blossom, her bliss was bought to a grinding and painful halt when a rogue hellhound killed her and her father. A harsh twist of fate let her father into Elysium, as he died defending his daughter, but as she caused his death and the protectiom didn't pay off due to her own death mere minutes later, Emma was sentenced to the Fields Of Punishment.
She would have spent eternity in agony, if not for the intervention of her mother, Queen of the Underworld and Goddess of Spring, Persephone. Emma agreed to slow her aging process and pay off her time in the Fields of Punishment by working for her mother in the Underworld for 500 years. At the end of the years of work, her good deeds for her Mum and subsequently, the Underworld, would be judged for her afterlife.
Due to her slowed aging, when she shows up as part of the Underworld crew, she has the appearance, body and mentality a fourteen year old. Emma has worked under her Mum since 1820, the year of her death.
Before that she grew up in Wales until the age of five, the last six years of her life spent in London. Her accent is audibly Welsh, and she is fluent in the language.
Emma's appearance takes after her father mainly, with brown curls and a smattering of freckles over her nose and cheeks. Her eyes, however, are a green colour reminiscent of a grassy field. She is short and has the slim waist and strong arms of someone who does a lot of work and barely eats enough to keep their stamina up.
Oliver Mizeria
Following three years spent in the US foster system, Oliver Mizeria, son of Akhlys, went to live with his Moms, Rosalie and Jocelyn in the state of Kentucky. He grew up under the care of his Moms until he was twelve and one of his teachers turned out to be an empousa in disguise.
Oliver almost died in the attack, but he was luckily rescued by Lana Corals, a daughter of Kymopoleia. She took him to camp, and he spent every summer there, while school time was spent with his Moms in Kentucky.
Oliver was claimed by Akhlys soon after the Titan War, but stayed in the Hermes cabin as he was the only Akhlys child in memory and so many new cabins were already being built at Camp.
He has bright ginger hair, and his eyes are an icy blue colour. He's pale, but not in any way freckley. He's tall, and fairly gangly. At the time of this story, Oliver is 15.
Seren and Aldrin Nova.
The twin son and daughter of Nyx, Goddess of Night, the Novas grew up with their Dad, former astronomer turned Broadway dance choreographer, Benjamin Nova. The pair and their loving but bust father grew up in the big apple itself, NYC.
After expulsions from multiple schools, they finally landed a supposedly perfect private tutor, who was really a fury in disguise. After the subsequent fight, in which Seren earned a scar across her cheek and nose, and Aldrin lost his arm.
They began attending Camp Half-Blood at the age of Eleven, and are 14 at the time of this story. They were claimed immediately and sleep in the Big House to avoid annoying the Gods with a Nyx cabin and scaring any other campers.
The pair are pale, with dark hair. Aldrin's is a mess of black curls that frame his face and end at the top of his neck. His sister's hair is straight, but only because she straightens it on purpose, and she also had bangs. The two are identical other than hair and gender. This includes their dark black eyes.
Gracelyn Tod
The youngest of the Underworld demigods, at age thirteen, Gracelyn's mother, Amanda Tod was a french woman with German roots. She died giving birth to Gracelyn in an alley, so the baby girl was born with severe lung issues. Interestingly, she did not inherite the usual ADHD, but her dyslexia is more severe than average, to the point that even Greek, which her brain is hard-wired for, can be hard for her to read.
She was placed in the Foster system until an exchange program that was really organised by Hades as a favour to her father, Thanatos, placed her in the care of a couple in Paris. It was ten years later that she discovered that she was adopted, and a demigod. Her family, which now consisted of two siblings, both of which were younger than her, moved to the states and learned English so she could go to Camp if times got hard. She maintains her French accent. She discovered she was a demigod via a satyr who she sometimes sees around Camp.
Gracelyn, who goes by Grace or Gracie for short, is tall, with lanky arms and long, dark red hair. Her eyes are chocolatey brown and large, framed with unusually long eyelashes. Her asthma means she doesn't take part in as much physical activity as other demigods, but she is known for being kind to younger kids and taking care of them.
Maia Oneira
Maia Oneira, the non-binary child of Melinoe never had nightmares as a kid. Their Mom's area in nightmares meant Maia often entered the dreamscape as a kid and explored the dreams of others. They also helped people with mental disorders when they met them, dreamscape or physically, tapping into their mother's control over mentality and insanity.
Despite their help to their community, Maia's father was a neglective alcoholic who never wanted kids. After a satyr fended off a rogue hellhound that tried to kill them, Maia was bought to Camp where they stayed all year as a way of getting away from their father. A few months later, they came out as being non-binary, and camp ceased use of female pronouns, swithcing instead to they/them.
A short kid with a choppy brown pixie cut, Maia highlights their hair with a new colour every year. At the time of the story, their hair is brown with the front dyed with streaks of red. They are a little pudgy, but their size has led to many false assumptions about Maia, a highly skilled fighter.
Woooo, that's a lot. Honestly, this post took way longer than I thought it would, so please leave critisims, suggestions and the rest in the comments.
-Elle (she/her)
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rubisaurus98 · 4 years ago
1. Her color palette, and a bit of her hairstyle and water-related abilities were inspired by Lapis Lazuli from Steven Universe.
2. Zura's claymore is named Kymopoleia (tentative name). The name comes from a Greek goddess of giant storm waves.
3. She was a founding member of the 14th Demon Slayer Squad Gladiolus. Before then, she joined Owen's squad, Fire Crest, out of a debt to him. He's the one that pointed her in Akras' direction when she was at her then-lowest point.
4. Lugina’s personality has been compared to hers before by certain other Summoners. The similarities stop at how well they cooperate with others, especially with younger/less experienced Summoners, at least for about half of BF1, and Zura being the more tolerant one.
5. Voice headcanon: Elizabeth Maxwell as Ymir from Attack on Titan.
6. In Akras Summoners’ Academy, she’s a Combat Instructor who specializes in two-handed weapons, as well as the Instructor for students with an elemental affinity for Water. She became Chief Instructor somewhere post-BF1.
7. Roy was a part of one of her last classes before her mantles were eventually passed on to Seria (Chief Instructor, Two-Handed) and Noah (Water).
8. Her rivalry with Rowena wasn’t one-sided, even though Zura is much more of a general asshole. Rowena took just as much pleasure in fucking with her as Zura does she.
9. Early BF1 is around the time Zura held the opinion of “This current generation is fucking doomed.” She didn’t have much faith in the most talked-about names in Ren’s peer group of Summoners, based on her observations.
10. Zura knows Seria’s mentor, Kate. How, most likely through Owen. And for how long...idk.
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percyjcksn · 6 years ago
in case you ever forget:
percy ripped out the Minotaur’s horn with his bare hands and defeated the monster when he was only 12, with no training and no weapons.
he is able to recover from a hard kick in the chest from the god of war and continue fighting.
he strangled a snake when he was just a toddler.
he can feel the path of a bullet, which on average travels around 1700 mph, and deflect it.
he can fend off a continually resurrecting army of legionnaires while maintaining a hurricane the whole time.
he can cause earthquakes that can create a 50 foot hole in the middle of the Williamsburg bridge and can cause a whole glacier to shake and its entire edge to break.
and in addition to earthquakes, percy can bring the sea to him, releasing his raw power and the inexhaustible power of the sea that caused a volcanic eruption at Mt. St. Helens and woke Typhon, the most deadly creature in greek mythology.
he leaped across a 20 foot wide river while carrying annabeth on his back with his eyes closed.
he was the first to realize what was going on in the lotus casino.
he can control and explode the blood vessels of Tartarus, releasing the Phlegethon (liquid fire), the Styx, the Cocytus, and the Lethe.
percy can harden water into an almost solid shape that allows him to run across the surface and can also create giant hands that mimic his own movements that were able to grab onto the 2 gorgons holding frank.
he can create his own hurricanes, powerful enough to generate lightning and with winds strong enough to extinguish the titan Hyperion’s fires.
he was able to survive being thrown lava at by 4 full-grown telekhines (albeit it gradually got more painful, but he didn’t die immediately on contact).
percy was able to keep the argo ii from capsizing or being smashed to bits in a storm caused by Kymopoleia, the goddess of violent sea storms, simply by pushing his hands in the opposite direction every time the ship tilted.
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